Hi Nana, hey...you still have auntumn leaves? Ours the trees gone bare, the Fall striptease is over, strong winds have brought all down, and Ole Father Winter is on his way soon. Tonight our temp dropping down to a chilly -5'c. You cycle to work? Thats nice. I haven't sat on a bicycle decades! Must try one day, ha ha. Have fun, stay young, Lee.
Lee: Thanks for coming. It's still autumn here. This week will be the best time to enjoy autumn leaves it seems. We ride bicycles to everywhere! Haha...Send my son to nursery, go to supermarket, go to uni...anywhere at all since they are less than 10min away from our apartment.Very convenient and eco friendly! Have a nice weekend to you!
I like the idea of cycling evrywhere. Unfortunately the weather here x sesuai. All four of us in the family has one Japanese bicycle setiap sorang. I punya warna pink. Second hand Japanese bikes are very popular in Kelantan. Mahal jugak wpun 2nd hand but semua org suka. Worth the money. My son pegi sekolah naik basikal Jepun juga. I boleh hantar naik kereta but I thought it's a good exercise for him because he is a bit overweight.
Best kalau boleh cycle around kan? Tapi memang betul, kalau panas sangat tak begitu sesuai. Takut dehydrated nanti. Tapi lagi satu yang I risau ialah kat Malaysia takde line utk bicycles kat jalan raya. Kat sini, along the road, usually there kat tepi tu dia naikkan sikit jalan for bicycles. So, we feel safe to cycle. Tak yah berebut dengan kereta atau motosikal. Ada jual Japanese bikes kat Malaysia ya? Wah...camni kita mungkin nak bawa balik bicycles ke Malaysia la. Sayang nak buang. Kalau ada tempat lapang, boleh cycling petang2 ke. Your son overweight ke? Takpe, dia tengah membesar. Nanti naik tingkatan 2,3 dia akan kurus. Melainkan kalau obesity runs in the family.
cantiknya the last two pics...!!! kalau ada button 'like' dah lama tekan... :P
Hi Nana, hey...you still have auntumn leaves? Ours the trees gone bare, the Fall striptease is over, strong winds have brought all down, and Ole Father Winter is on his way soon.
Tonight our temp dropping down to a chilly -5'c.
You cycle to work? Thats nice. I haven't sat on a bicycle decades! Must try one day, ha ha.
Have fun, stay young, Lee.
Maz: Thanks! hehe...these couple of weeks the weather had been cloudy/rainy. So the sun does make people feel good kan? :)
Lee: Thanks for coming. It's still autumn here. This week will be the best time to enjoy autumn leaves it seems.
We ride bicycles to everywhere! Haha...Send my son to nursery, go to supermarket, go to uni...anywhere at all since they are less than 10min away from our apartment.Very convenient and eco friendly! Have a nice weekend to you!
lovely ...
wahhh...send son to nursery in a bicycle ..so cute. . bet Sya must be enjoying it so much...
nice expereince for him too...
Hi Sofea!
He likes riding bicycle. Haha...to him it's more fun than riding cars. Good exercise for the parents too! :)
I like the idea of cycling evrywhere. Unfortunately the weather here x sesuai. All four of us in the family has one Japanese bicycle setiap sorang. I punya warna pink. Second hand Japanese bikes are very popular in Kelantan. Mahal jugak wpun 2nd hand but semua org suka. Worth the money. My son pegi sekolah naik basikal Jepun juga. I boleh hantar naik kereta but I thought it's a good exercise for him because he is a bit overweight.
Best kalau boleh cycle around kan? Tapi memang betul, kalau panas sangat tak begitu sesuai. Takut dehydrated nanti. Tapi lagi satu yang I risau ialah kat Malaysia takde line utk bicycles kat jalan raya. Kat sini, along the road, usually there kat tepi tu dia naikkan sikit jalan for bicycles. So, we feel safe to cycle. Tak yah berebut dengan kereta atau motosikal.
Ada jual Japanese bikes kat Malaysia ya? Wah...camni kita mungkin nak bawa balik bicycles ke Malaysia la. Sayang nak buang. Kalau ada tempat lapang, boleh cycling petang2 ke.
Your son overweight ke? Takpe, dia tengah membesar. Nanti naik tingkatan 2,3 dia akan kurus. Melainkan kalau obesity runs in the family.
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