Gateau au chocolat is a French version of chocolate cake.
It's probably different from any chocolate cake that we have ever had because it's more heavy and thick with chocolate. It's not by just adding more cocoa powder. The key is to add melted semisweet chocolate and butter into the mixture. Now, you may be able to visualize in your imagination how chocolaty it is! Yummy!
Now, where is that weighing machine...I gotta hide it from my sight for a while...sigh!
I tgh So I would have to say no to fat laden food at the moment. Tgok and enjoy the photo takpekan....drooling ni...
There were times when I was on diet I makan jugak apa2 I nak but I still lost weight. The thing is jgn makan byk2 sangat. Ambik sikit apa salahnya..kan..
TK...dah start diet dah ya. Harap2 berat badan turun nanti ya. Tapi jangan refrain sangat. Nanti rebound, lagi gemuk adalah (pernah ada experience ni...). So, utk I, kena ada combination exercise, kalau tak, tak begitu menjadi. Musim sejuk ni, liat benar nak bangun awal2 utk exercise...tapi kena jugalah! :)
Hi Nana, that cake of yours looks sinfully delicious. I bet it melts in the mouth.
I quite love chocolate cakes too....but more those with coconuts in them or pineapples.
Hey, you are good? Where you got your Black Belt in cake making from?
The Swiss Finishing School? Ha ha.
Have fun and don't cycle and talk on the phone, nanti masuk longkang. lecheh tu, ha ha, Lee.
Hello Lee!
Thanks for the compliment.
My hubby and son love chocolates. Hence a lot of things I make are chocolate related.
I didn't have any lesson from anyone. But I did watch my mom cook when I was little. So, I suppose I absorb some knowledge from watching! :)
Actually Lee, despite all the functions we can do with handphone, I only use it during emergency and the people I call are mainly hubby and family. No calling while cycling too! haha..
Thanks for dropping by!
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