Day camp

Jun 8, 2010

Check out the place we went last Sunday.
It was a camping activity organized by the ECC Language School in Tokushima. There were about a hundred of us joining the activity including 30 foreigners from various countries and backgrounds.

The purpose of this activity was to help the Japanese increase their communicating skill with the foreigners. Japanese as you know, are famous for their shyness, especially when facing the foreigners. Even worse if they are not familiar with the English language. So the activity was organized in hope to also boost their self confidence in English communication.

I can't tell if they learned much English from this occasion, but one thing for sure, judging by the big smile on their faces, everyone seemed to enjoy it tremendously.


Lee said...

Hi Nana, wow! That looks like fun, and bbq fish too.
By the way, you sure one traffic stopper attractive lady, *wink*.
Nana, you being in's your tea ceremony if visitors drop by? Ha ha.
When I was in Japan many years ago I paid money to experience the tea ceremony. And it sure was very complicated, but very elegant, but long time to wait till the tea is served.
Bet you speak Japanese like a Japanese, huh?
Have a great week, Nana, Lee.

Nana said...

Hi Uncle Lee! Haha, thanks for the compliment.
Tea ceremomy...what I can tell you is, most of the Japanese don't know how to conduct tea ceremony. Only the trained ones know. As you had mentioned, it takes so much time to actually get to taste the tea and when you tasted it...hmm, was it delicious? To me, it was ok and most important of all...I can tell people that I have experienced that elegant tea ceremony. hihihi.
My Japanese ah? Oklah. It's my 4th language after Malay/Chinese/English...and I have been speaking Japanese for the past 17 years. ;)

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