Break fast menu 4th Ramadhan

Aug 14, 2010

We were supposed to join 'pot luck break fast gathering' with other Malaysians today. I was requested to bring caramel pudding. The other Malaysians would be cooking the main dish and preparing drinks.

As I was getting ready to the party, my hubby who was having shower asked me.
'Nana...what is this red thing on my skin' my hubby asked.
'Where? Let me see...', I said.
It was a 5 mm red papule with a thin-walled, clear vesicle (dew drop) developed on top of the area of redness. Which, no doubt is, very characteristic for...yes, Chicken pox!

Oh no...not another chicken pox! And yet my hubby was confident that he had contracted chicken pox in his early years. Obviously we couldn't make it to the gathering. There would be many kids there as well. What worse was, it's less than 1 hour to break fast and I didn't prepare any meal tonight. So...I took out whatever there was in the fridge and came out with tonight's break fast menu. Selamat berbuka!

Kung Pao chicken (modified)

Caramel pudding

Purple vegetables+fruit juice (Kagome)


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